Love Your Liver Q&A Livestream 35 - TOXIC Male Birth Control?!?!

1 year ago


0:00 Introduction.

1:25 Keystone minerals. Zinc, selenium, molybdenum and little magnesium malate.

10:38 Testimonial. Constipation. Histamine. Potassium. Anemia.

13:45 Male birth control pill. Fertility is health. Stops Vitamin A detox. Birth defects.

Consuming organ meats and lower sperm motility. Cell death. Form Vitamin A.

39:40 Meat eating and slow bowels. Protein. Probiotic for type. Chicken. Molybdenum.

47:25 Frozen foods. Fresh food is best. Turmeric-induced hepatoxicity. Carotenoids.

57:12 Apples after long storage.

1:00:14 Pressure cooking. Glutamate less in boiled foods. ALDH connection.

1:02:30 Sleeping on side. Best position that aids sleep.

1:06:40 Potassium chloride transdermally. Cream of tartar. Magnesium. Dose.

1:13:29 Guillain-Barre syndrome. Accutane. Bilirubin. Bile tests. Cholestasis.

1:19:32 Black tea increasing bowel movements. Caffeine ALDH. Polyphenols.

"I had my annual doctor visit yesterday, after 3 months of doing the VA detox. I was able to share with my doctor that constipation, digestive, and histamine issues are SOOO much better (practically gone), and I'm not as tired or headachey. I shared I was doing low VA and how it had helped me and he just said, "it's obviously working for you, so keep it up". He was shocked that potassium helped me with constipation; he asked me to repeat it three times! LOL! And... the best news of all! I am no longer anemic and my thyroid function is better so I'm decreasing that medication. Thank you, Dr. Smith, and everyone here! And especially [name redacted] who pointed me in this direction in the first place when I was just getting sicker and sicker!"

Male Birth Control:

"The first male birth control pill, which has shown significant results in lab trials, could begin human testing before the end of the year.

The contraceptive, which was created by researchers at the University of Minnesota, has been 99% effective at preventing pregnancy in mice, with no apparent side effects. **Rather than using hormones, the pill targets interactions with vitamin A, which is a key component in fertility.**

(Hormonal pills carry the potential of weight gain and changes in libido and could lower levels of “good” cholesterol, causing potential heart issues.)

The research team noted that mice who were given the compound, called GPHR-529, for four weeks showed a significant drop in semen, rendering them sterile. When the treatments were stopped, the mice returned to normal levels of virility within four to six weeks."

#LoveYourLiver #vitaminAtoxicity #vitaminadetox #nutritionworks

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