Love Your Liver Q&A Livestream 37 - Evidence All-Muscle-Meat-Diet DOESN'T Detox & Subscriber Q&A!

1 year ago


0:00 Introduction.

1:00 Carnivore muscle meat diet and detox. Relief of symptoms. Less fibre. Salisbury treatment.

28:00 Testimonial. Carnivore and keto previously. Hives. Liver and kidney supplements.

37:14 Saturated fats in animal muscle meats. Undertypes. Minimise dairy. Cultured foods.

43:58 Phytic acid blocking zinc and other minerals. Vitamin A, copper deplete zinc.

49:25 Consistency of bowel movements. Sticky poop. Softer with more bile.

53:34 What to do currently ? Camping, food, first aid, self defence, mindset.

1:06:47 Polyphenols and Vitamin A in our diets. White foods. Lutein issues.

1:13:57 Spider veins and receding gums. Pushing detox too hard. Vitamin K.

1:23:47 Dental issues. Dying tooth. Bone density.

1:26:20 Future video on Vitamin A and thyroid. No Livestream 22 April 2022.

Book (see page xi):

"New here--just started detoxing this last week. Coming from carnivore. I was carnivore for about 6 months prior to finding out about vitamin A. I was keto for a couple of years before that, and raised on the SAD.
In October of last year, I was diagnosed with Hashimotos and Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria. Doctors weren't very helpful with the hives at all. They basically just wanted me to take Zyrtec/antihistamines for the rest of my life. Not content with that "solution", I started the carnivorous journey, which helped control the hives, but they never fully went away until I stopped taking kidney and liver supplements (as I thought the hives were a sign of histamine intolerance and kidney and liver are pushed very hard in the carnivore community). I found out about the vitamin A toxicity issues when Garrett went on Nutrition with Judy's podcast. He's the reason I stopped taking the liver and kidney. I felt a HUGE difference within 2 days of stopping them!!
It took me a few weeks to digest these new ideologies, but I decided to start on this diet last week. It's already helped a lot! My eyes and skin are so much less itchy, and many of my food intolerances are improving rapidly. Excited to see where this journey takes me. :) I just had some labs done to see how my thyroid is functioning and where my antibody levels are at, so it will be a great starting point to see how this diet helps and hopefully continues to help me heal my thyroid."

BEST Lactoferrin on the market (from fresh milk, not byproduct whey):

Foundational Minerals:

Love Your Liver program:

Work with Dr. Smith:

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