While Rome Burns, Joebama Celebrates Diversity

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Listen to the Trumpet Daily radio program that aired on March 15, 2023.
Visit: www.trumpetdaily.com

[00:30] White House Fixates on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (14 minutes)
The Joebama White House loves to boast about how diverse its staff is—but diversity in race and sexual orientation does not equal diversity of thought. The uniparty is filled with Communist ideologues who exclusively promote official propaganda narratives while ignoring America’s real problems.

[14:30] Moody’s Downgrades U.S. Banking System (25 minutes)
Moody’s rating agency has downgraded the entire U.S. banking system because of the “rapidly deteriorating operating environment” indicated by several major bank failures this week. The White House is nationalizing the banking system by insuring these bank failures—bailouts that will ultimately be paid for by everyday Americans.

[39:50] The Modern Romans (15 minutes)
The rise and fall of Rome directly parallels the rise and fall of America, as explained in the February 2023 Trumpet magazine.

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