Learn how to become a better Straight/Hook ball bowler #116 with the Brooklyn Crusher 3-12-23

1 year ago

ALL I can say is I bowled my current avg of 163. I bowled a 164 avg in 2 & a half hours 21 games. 4 games at 138 each game = vary bad. even though I like the left side I do not bowl the left side much. I think that was why I bowled crummy. I like the left side because I don't need to Xbody all the time as with the right side I do. on the left side I NEVER Xbody to throw the ball. I need to work on the left side a lot more. I think I did get 4, a hambone in a row in one game but out of 21 games that's CRAPPY bowling to say the least!

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