Learn php programing in hindi/urdu from beginners to advance | Tutorial # 4

1 year ago

In PHP, variables can be used to dynamically modify the HTML produced by PHP for each page. This includes the title tag and meta description of a webpage.
The title tag is an HTML element that specifies the title of a webpage. It is displayed in the browser's title bar and is also used by search engines to determine the content of a page.
A meta description is an HTML element that provides a brief summary of the content on a webpage. It is often displayed in search engine results pages (SERPs) as a preview snippet below the page title.
In PHP, variables can be used to customize the content of these elements for each page. For example, a variable $title can be defined with the desired value for the title tag, and then included in the HTML output using string concatenation or interpolation. Similarly, a variable $desc can be defined with the desired value for the meta description, and then included in the HTML output using appropriate meta tags
Variable variables are another feature of PHP that allow you to use a variable's value as another variable name. For example, if $hello has a value of "world", then ${$hello} would evaluate to $world. This feature can be useful when working with dynamic variable names or when generating code programmatically.
Overall, explained variables in PHP refer to how variables can be used to dynamically modify HTML elements such as title tags and meta descriptions on webpages.

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