Mar 6th - Mar 12th (Audio)

2 years ago

[00:00:00] From joy, epiphany, peak-experiences and the romantic imagination - to active intuition (Bruce Charlton)

[00:04:42] On the Other Side of Truth-Correcting Nations and Civilizations (Francis Berger)

[00:06:04] The problem with a sin-focused ("single issue") attitude to self-improvement - and the the need for a source of Good guidance that is autonomous from our corrupted civilization (Bruce Charlton)

[00:10:45] Surrounded on all sides by enemies... (Bruce Charlton)

[00:13:36] Narrowing Into Expansion (Francis Berger)

[00:14:42] Alone with-God and against The World. What is the basis of human cooperation? (Bruce Charlton)

[00:20:38] If God Were not a Person then Man Would be Greater than God (William Wildblood)

[00:22:30] God offers nothing less than what is best for us: but we need to think That through, in a context of eternity (Bruce Charlton)

[00:31:23] We need a theory-Of-everything - but we don't need a theory For everything (Bruce Charlton)

[00:34:39] Understanding telepathy - a 'clew' to reality? (Bruce Charlton)

[00:38:59] Freedom is Prior to Being (Francis Berger)

[00:42:03] Getting beyond embarrassment, and pretentiousness... (Bruce Charlton)

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