Urgent Word! | Prophecy LIVE

2 years ago

Joseph Z in today’s live stream has a great prophetic word for us, about a storm coming, a grassroot uprising and the poly storm, that is going to bring us victory. In his prophecy, he revealed that there are assigned gates and angels waiting for activation and that the Glory of the Lord will be the reason for this season.

Also, he went ahead to reveal the hidden agenda of the people behind the recent banking events and how they will make the people responsible for the collapse of the system. He further revealed that they will give the citizens reasons to pull out and then blame them for the failure afterwards. Additionally, the Lord revealed to Joseph Z that there is an anointing for the people which will release them into supernatural provisions of the Lord.

Furthermore, he revealed in his prophecy that there is an urgency about the guidance of portals, and there’s an angelic assignment waiting for every one of us at our individual portal; as it is the safest place the children of God can be. Again, he reveals that there’s a transitional grace and he admonishes us not to resist it as it’s a gift from God.
Similarly, he reveals further that our assignment is where our provision and our victory lie and urges us to embrace it.

Further revelations expose that “safety” is not our assignment, and that our assignment is where God wants us to be.
Interestingly, he exposes an anointing that will fall on South Africa, and how the power of this anointing will rise and sweep all over South Africa. He then urges us to watch the nation of Brazil and Canada; that God has heard them and that he will embarrass the financial institutions of Canada.

Additionally, he reveals that God will continue to use unconventional voices, and discloses that the currency for provision now, is humility. He went further to assure us that there’s an assigned provision for the children of God and encourages us to engage the angels of God at our assigned gates, as a result of this, unlikely alliances will begin to happen to stand against a broken dam.

Joseph Z went further to teach us that “obedience is better than sacrifice” and he encourages us to get on God’s economy, as God has not forgotten us nor our families. There will be the spirit of the lord that will bring peace in the storm, and God has a response for the darkness. The response is the spirit of Elijah, which will hinder the nefarious acts of the evil men that have arisen all over the land.

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March 15, 2023

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