The Fraudulent, Fake, Frivolous Banking System Explained in under 5 Minutes

1 year ago

Banks don't lend their own money, they lend their CREDIT.

To elaborate a bit further on the current happenings:
Trump bankrupted the US Corporation

The new name of the country is called The White House Office inc. Biden is the puppet CEO. There are 64,000 subsidiary corporations under it.

Putin family goes all the way back to King Solomon and David. Back to the original 13 Royal Families. All 13 families are now together and are now changing things.

September 1, 202? the Royal Families told the Vatican to pull all their assets of the world back to the Vatican Bank. They were given 30 days – had to be done by September 30.. They had deposits in just about every bank in the world, they had real estate, art work and other things like Gold and other physical assets that are not easy to move.

September 15 the QFS went fully operational and the Swiss Banking system was shut down. When this happened OVER 80% of all the worlds banks profits ended as those profits were made by trading on the Swiss system.

The Swiss system was INTENTIONALLY slow – I send $1,000 and it could take 24 hours before it was processed into your account. The banker clicked send, in a matter of a second it was in the Swiss Banking system where the Cabal traded it. You take millions of transfers per day and they had a LOT to play with ALL the time.

Well, playtime is OVER.

This was how the big banks were making 80% plus of their money.

There is no delay for them now. They used to trade on credit card payments for two to three days. That is now over.

The Vatican was the most largest and powerful corporation in the world. They had deposits in banks all around the world and they allowed the world banking cartel to trade their money and they had a profit sharing agreement.

The Swiss Financial Minister of Banking resigned September 30, 2022. He was unable to make all those transfers in 30 days.

About mid September, the Vatican realized they were not going to be able to transfer everything back so they tried get all their assets Bonded so the bonds could be sold so they could put the cash in the Vatican Bank.

Guess the size of bond they asked for.

A $160 TRILLION Dollar Bond.

The bond boys said there is no way we could sell $160 trillion worth of bonds.

On September 30th the Vatican lost $160 trillion worth of assets to Sovereign Nations.

Do you think the banks are going to feel a little pain?

The banks could collapse.

The banks now have bail in laws with anyone with $50,000 or more IF the banks get in a pinch they can take the money. It is THEIR money, not yours.

Soon we will have a different financial system as the domino effect of bank failures continues. And they will, we will see mergers and acquisitions, but the largest ones will be protected.

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