My take on the link between the trans/pronoun agenda and globalist satanism

1 year ago

*note* the purpose of this video is not to point fingers or play the blame game, the purpose is to (hopefully) make people realize that all these events that seem spontanious, from wars to blm/antifa to the trans agenda, are planned with sinister goals behind it. When you have complete control of the information flow through mass media, you can dictate what people think.

The trans agenda.. How can people feed this poison to their children..? There is a reason a child should be let a child.
They do not have the capabilities to cope with responsibility, a child needs a safe haven (parents) to fall back on in order to develop normally.
Now what have we done here the last three years.. Not only did we replace the safe haven with a scared, unstable and therefor easily manipulated, base, a lot of people pointed (without words) to their own child as a danger for the demise of that what supposed to be the safe haven.

And on top of that we are now teaching children to hate everything they grow up with, their gender, their identity, their culture, their history, we are teaching them to fight themselves, cant you see how they invert and pervert everything stable? A child that fights itself will fight its surroundings, and that is where Child Protective Services step in.. this is all on purpose.

Also, to show how evil the globalists really are, they officially changed the definition of natural immunity through the corrupt WHO, which every flu season start with the young ones, they have the best natural immunity and spread their natural immunity, over time, to the adults, that is natural way, to only achievable through vaccins.. They are poisoning your children's immune system and therefor are trying to destroy the natural way of overcoming seasonal disease.

Warning, this video contains the satanic opening ''ceremony'' of the Gotthard Tunnel near CERN, (i took the most shocking parts out) they are trying to recreate the ''God Particle'', make of it what you want. Starts at 13:13

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