Water softener must have - backwash air gap

5 years ago

If you have a water softener then you must have an air gap installed on the backwash hose. Without an air gap you risk having sewage get into your drinking water. I’ll show you how to make and install one or you can just order one from the links below.

Amazon Affiliate Links
Standpipe air gap https://amzn.to/31cRlQ1
Gap cap air gap https://amzn.to/37NG8YB
PVC cement https://amzn.to/37Njgsn
Pipe cutter https://amzn.to/2OgxxGa
Hacksaw https://amzn.to/2RISKL4
Milwaukee Inkzall https://amzn.to/36bDBXk
Teflon tape https://amzn.to/37MB8Ua
Adjustable wrenches https://amzn.to/37HGtvU
11 in 1 screwdriver https://amzn.to/36nhpt0
Camera https://amzn.to/33VTuj2
Wireless microphone https://amzn.to/2BMrzGd
Camera lens cleaner https://amzn.to/2rEgC8o

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