CDC attacking trusted medical INDIVIDUALS.. again. With the assistance of the AP

1 year ago

VAERS reporting in Florida. State SG asking for studies on uptick in VAERS reporting.
August, 2022 study shows an increased risk for adverse event 1/550 individuals experiencing adverse reactions to probable Covid bio weapon injection.
The “watch dogs” of pharma, have turned their teeth towards the people. And they are biting anyone who dares to question what may be going on.
The “Press” have turned their back on the truth, as it is. And are running cover for the once trusted medical institutions, and are directly causing harm to the people.

Nothing is true, no one knows what is reality or fantasy anymore.
And no one is allowed to question anything..
They must sit in silence, as they watch everyone around them being harmed, or dying.

“Coincidence theorist” ?

Study shows 1700%^ in VAERS reporting

CDC accuses SG of “misinformation”, admits that “VAERS reporting will go up, because people are being directed to report adverse reactions” so more reports should be expected.

Underreporting factor around 90%.

Basically, the cdc is pushing 2020/2021 studies, with zero follow up, to attempt in debunking Dr. Lapado.

CDC studies, given very weak, very outdated, and very misleading to the public.

1 observational study from December 2020- December 2021. No recent studies to cite.
SG requesting more clinic studies and causal studies.
He is being denied the access from collecting information to preform an updated study, to explain the rapid increase in adverse effects post vaccination propaganda push against the innocent public.
Associated Press are running cover for CDC, FDA and big pharma.

Link to full original below.

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