The Littlest Titan Slayer - Final Fantasy XIV Online [Part 91]

1 year ago

You can typically expect FFXIV streams every Tuesday between 12:00 PM and 1:00 PM PST

This series is my playthrough of the free trial of FFXIV Online. From character creation and hopefully to the logical end of the freely available content.This is a trade with Silent Companion, who will be on call for future recording sessions we do together.


Alright, so as it would happen, before we finally take on the fabled primal called Titan, Sile would really like us to check out Little Ladies Day, our second time around. From what she went on to explain, there may only be subtle changes compared to the first time we went through it, so I'd say we needn't spend that much time on it. After we're done with that though, we'll focus entirely on our final confrontation with Titan. Needless to say, if we manage to take him down with zero fatalities on our side, I'll be thoroughly disappointment. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy the stream and have a great rest of your day. Later guys!

- Todoh


Oh, and if you'd like to help support small-timers like us, we'd appreciate you stopping by our Ko-fi page down there. Thanks in advance.

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