What the Hell is Twittergate?? part 2

1 year ago

I take a look at Matt Taibbi's morning-after-testifying podcast (at least the first half of it anyway) and what and who he thinks is important, and then a look at (again, the first half only) a six-week-old hopefully-contentious discussion managed by Jewish culture warrior Sam Harris, with T-Filers Michael Shellenberger and Jewish neocon toady Bari Weiss in one corner, and in the other corner Russiagate perpetrator crypto-Jew Renee DiResta. But has this squared circle actually been squared or is it just a cornerless circle still, with Bari's location undetermined? Is Shellenberger just an innocent abroad being covertly manipulated by these three aligned Jews? Will we ever know with the 2nd half of the discussion safely tucked behind Sam's paywall??

Here is my substack article on last week's congressional testimony: https://men56.substack.com/p/matt-taibbi-goes-full-congressional

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