Cowboys Legend Michael Irvin Catches a MeToo Case at the Super Bowl! Security Footage Shows the 🧢🧢🧢!

1 year ago

Dallas Cowboys Legend Michael Irvin is embroiled in a Sexual Harassments/Assault/Tension situation involving Marriott and Renaissance Hotels to the tune of a $100 Million Defamation lawsuit.

Long story short, Irvin got drunk, tried to pick up a member of the staff, struck out and moved along. The "Jane Doe" is alleging that No. 88 was checking if she's down with the BBC, if David Hasselhoff is the building, if she dabbles in the dark.

The security cam footage, while silent, shows that there was not much to the interaction. This is an all to common case of someone trying to run the pockets of a guy with clout after turning him down.

Situations like this, if unpunished, disincentivize men approaching women.

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