Crackpot Jackpot Coronavirus

1 year ago

Stacey and Rachel!

For the upcoming hearing on the motion for plea in bar, I am forwarding to the court the attached PowerPoint for use as an exhibit regarding the secondary attack rate for COVID-19's earliest variant to arrive in the U.S., which was only less than five percent.

Doctor Fauci and others have repeatedly said there is no evidence to support a lab leak, but there were also no infected animals found in the wet market, but there was, according to George Gao's preprint, upon which John Pekar and Michael Worobey's much celebrated zoonotic origins peer-reviewed studies rely, viable samples recovered in the sewage of only that market, one of three, in Wuhan, indicative that something was "circulating" at that location. Note that the only locations where samples were not found were interior locations, and apparently when somebody opened the doors to a freezer, nobody shed any viral load to be recovered, if one follows the idea of an infectious virus.

There are 20 symbols on one standard roller on a slot machine, and how many people, on a random roll, feel lucky they will get the number show up in the window that they wanted? But that is our novel virus that became a pandemic, and had claimed 527,000 American lives by the first anniversary of the pandemic declaration, as the Delta variant was making its way to America.

I will definitely use the PowerPoint, and possibly George Gao's study, but may also utilize Andersen's works with Nicole Washington and Mark Zeller, which demonstrate that we have a geographically diversified novel coronavirus, which is a marker that, let's just say, a biological warfare planner would find useful, to provide a warning if suddenly the noninfectious virus that was deployed had gone rogue and actually became infectious. Two hundred cases of Euro Coronavirus showing up in the USA might get an urgent phone call to higher because Houston has a problem.

And, I agree with those who say there is no evidence that the virus "escaped", as a former biological warfare planner.

Looking forward to the hearing.
Major Mike Webb
You can't save the world if you are NEVER born!

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