Fallen Angel Demon created by AI Must Watch 2023

1 year ago

I help those who fear sickness overcome illness through natural solutions.

Please watch till the end of this video so you can get all the valuable important information

Stan is a demon possessed by Satan in South Park.I love that show

Wow because I’m a Christian AI creating a demon is absolutely terrifying

This next video I recommend is very disturbing because this matters to Christians.
Planned Parenthood aborted fetuses into your food, and makeup.

God loves children so much and Satan knows this by deception. Luckily we can repent by reaching out to God and avoiding these demonic products in the future. And spread the news too.

The truth about red meat is that it is vital for our function. If you find an article from the internet from a big University Like Stanford or Harvard they were bought off by the big food corporations like Monsanto and the top food companies own everything. https://www.wideopencountry.com/biggest-food-companies/. Just like Idiocracy when Brawndo buys off the FDA. They are buying; they are using their money and power to manipulate the game in their favor.

They want us all sick and dependent on the system. I discovered some important information today. Copper is so valuable for our existence. Roundup with glyphosate has been used for years and has eroded our soil. If you supplement with copper like beef liver this can help your health tremendously. I don’t think everyone needs to go to Carnivore because it's socially resistrive. But if I only had red meat to eat at a restaurant I would eat it first knowing.it's the healthiest. I got better my HD with meat and fruit after 2 months andI know it works. But I also enjoy eating.

An excellent source for clean healthy grass fed organic meat I use is https://grasslandbeef.com/
One source of beef liver I have used is Ancestral Supplements, which is the best source out there. https://ancestralsupplements.com/collections/shop/products/grassfed-beef-liver-supplement-1
Less expensive source I have never used.
The Root Cause Protocol (RCP) was developed by Morley Robbins,

We are being lied to if you want the truth to stop using google Chrome and MS Edge browser. Use Brave browser Google sells your data to information too . They sensor the truth to favor the corporations with money if you want stop getting junk scam phone calls and your email cluttered with junk

Satan is working hard to deceive us brothers and sisters. Make sure you avoid keeping yourself strong by not falling for his lies. Get on the right side of Jesus and you will be saved!

Demons have been spotted in AI manipulating children. Keep your children away from


For my last recommended video I saved the best for last. I hope to someday be as good as this guy on his video.

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