Moya -Smith Falsehood - Racist Minnesota Democrat

2 years ago

College lecturer claims 'no laws' against homosexuality, abortion 'before White people'

"Before white people came to this land, there were no jails, no homelessness, no laws against homosexuality or abortion. For thousands of years, Indigenous peoples emphasized health, housing, freedom to love who you love and the fact that we need Mother Earth. She doesn’t need us," Moya-Smith tweeted.

National Review staff writer Nate Hochman wrote, linking a report, "Tribal lands are some of the last places in America where gay marriage isn't legal. Obergefell legalized it in the rest of the country, but less than 10% of the 500+ tribes have done the same. From a 2015 piece on the Navajo Nation—where gay marriage remains illegal to this day."

Slavery Nearly Universal Among ‘Native American’ Indian Tribes Prior to White Settlement

ACCORDING TO Almon Lauber’s booklet, Indian Slavery In Colonial Times Within The Present Limits Of The United States, published by the Faculty of Political Science at Columbia University in 1913, slavery and the slave trade were nearly universally practiced among the ‘Native’ Indians prior to the appearance of the White man on the North American continent:

Minnesota legislator: 'I'm sick of White Christians' adopting Native American babies, continuing 'genocide'

A Minnesota Democrat in the state legislature is facing criticism after alllegedly posting online that White Christians who adopt Native American children are contributing to "genocide."

"I’m sick of white Christians adopting our babies and rejoicing," Minnesota State Rep. Heather Keeler posted on her personal Facebook page recently, according to Alpha News.

"It’s a really sad day when that happens. It means the genocide continues.

"If you care about our babies, advocate against the genocide," the post continued. "Help the actual issues impacting indigenous parents, stop stealing our babies and changing their names under the impression you are helping. White saviors are the worst!"

Introducing the Alberta Firearms Act

Bill 8, the Alberta Firearms Act, would give Alberta more tools to protect areas of provincial jurisdiction over firearms while expanding the role of the Alberta Chief Firearms Office.

If passed, Bill 8 will provide flexibility for Alberta’s government to quickly develop regulations if necessary to protect provincial areas of responsibility for firearms and the rights of law-abiding firearms owners. The bill would also raise awareness and strengthen accountability of the Chief Firearms Office by requiring them to produce annual reports.

Alberta’s Chief Firearms Office was created in 2021 to administer federal firearms legislation, advocate for lawful firearms owners and promote public safety.

Alberta won't play ball with Ottawa on firearm seizures

The first battle of the Texas Revolution was fought near the colony of Gonzales Texas in 1835. Mexican authorities demanded Gonzales give up their lone cannon to the state. Settlers from Gonzales defiantly responded "Come and take it!" Mexican soldiers were dispatched to take the cannon, a skirmish ensued, and they left the scene beaten up and without the cannon. The town proudly displays the flag created for that battle today.

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