The Beginning of the End for the WAR ON DRUGS | Profit From The Past October 14, 1982

2 years ago

On October 14, 1982, President Ronald Reagan declared a new national War on Drugs. As part of this effort, Congress passed the Comprehensive Crime Control Act of 1984. This new law increased penalties for cannabis possession, established mandatory minimum sentences, and greatly expanded the application of new civil asset forfeiture.

From 1980 to 1984, the federal annual budget of the FBI's drug enforcement grew more than 10-fold, soaring from $8 million to $95 million. The result was a massive increase in arrests and incarcerations for nonviolent drug offenses.

Today, most view the War On Drugs as an abject failure. This has prompted calls for more sophisticated policing tactics that could come to rely more heavily on technology.

Jason Simpkins covers a few companies that provide such solutions in my investment advisory service, Secret Stock Files.

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Profit From the Past is a weekly series that examines historical events and the opportunity they provide to us today, usually in the stock market. Every Wednesday host Jason Simpkins will discuss a different piece of history on (or around) its anniversary, and how it has created an investment opportunity for us today.

#history #warondrugs #reagan #stockmarket

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