Why Tolkien is GREAT - with John Carswell from The Tolkien Road

1 year ago

John Carswell has been producing The Tolkien Road podcast for almost 8 years-- and he's written two books! Jonathan and Michael dive into what John finds so compelling with Tolkien, his own road to finding more depth and meaning in Tolkien's works, and what Warner Bros can do to make truly excellent films set in Middle-earth (hint: it has nothing to do with money or effects).

Become a patron at https://theonering.com/patron (or become a member by clicking the "Join" button here on YouTube) to check out our extended podcast where we ply John for **Confessions from the Comfy Chair**! 😂

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Web â–º https://www.tolkienroad.com/
Twitter â–º https://twitter.com/tolkienroad
YouTube â–º https://www.youtube.com/@TolkienRoad
Tolkien's Requiem â–º https://tolkiensrequiem.com/
Tolkien's Overture â–º https://tolkiensoverture.com/

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00:00 Intro
01:10 Who is John Carswell?
05:32 Why the books?
11:40 Why is Tolkien Great?
17:00 Background "Thrums"
20:50 A Family Business
25:40 Where's the artistry?
29:35 Details are compelling
32:15 It requires passion!
35:58 PJ's Been There
40:35 What about the new films?
43:55 War of the Rohirrim
48:43 Get The Tolkien Road!

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