Love Your Liver Livestream 69: Bone Broth LEAD TOXIC?, vit A Safety Margin Is A Joke, Subscriber Q&A

1 year ago


0:00 Intro. Minerals, heavy metals (e.g., lead and cadmium), bone broth, and animal bones (of beef, pork, chicken, venison, etc.). Water (tap, distilled, spring, reverse osmosis, etc.), and contamination / pollution. Vitamin A (synthetic / supplements versus natural / food source), male genitals / testicles, and sunbathing / sun tanning.

9:47 Vitamins; upper limit (UL); safe and effective recommended daily amount (RDA).

20:41 Pregnancy, baby food, birth defects, B12, folate / folic acid, vitamin A (retinol) toxicity, and a balanced diet. Osteoporosis, hip fractures, and bone density. Carrots and sweet potatoes.

34:55 Accutane (isotretinoin), erectile dysfunction (ED), cancer cells, chemotherapy, and liver damage / injury. Vitamin D and rat poison. Red meat (lean vs fat), diet / lifestyle, calories, macronutrients, micronutrients, and fiber (soluble or insoluble).

45:38 Health, lactoferrin, cholestasis, bile (acid, salts, ducts), and leaky gut syndrome. Toxic bile dump, activated carbon / coal / charcoal, and skin disease (dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, acne, etc.).

54:14 Cooking in pots and pans (use stainless steel, ceramic, and glass; and avoid copper, cast iron, and teflon / non-stick). Laxatives (e.g., epsom salt and milk of magnesia), coffee enema, bowel movements (diarrhea, regular, or constipation), gallbladder cleanse / flush, and liver detox / detoxification. Lactoferrin, blood bile, getting sick, and catching the common cold.

1:09:43 Lemons, lemongrass, lemon oil (citral, citraldehyde, aliphatic aldehyde), and aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH). Carotenoids, beta-carotene, essential oils, and tobacco (leaf, cigars, cigarettes). Skin issues / problems (red, orange, yellow / jaundice), bioflavonoids, and phenols / polyphenols. Orange oil, bergamot oil, bitter orange, wild basil, petitgrain, may chang, lime oil, and lemon (grass, balm, myrtle, ironbark, tea tree, verbena). Orange juice and lemonade.

1:19:40 Fulvic acid, shungite, orgonite, electromagnetic field (EMF), faraday bag, and Vortex BioShield EMF protector. Copper toxicity, hypervitaminosis A, and iron overload. Pies and cakes. Fruits, meats, and veggies / vegetables.

1:33:36 Beans, charcoal, psyllium husk, and SunFiber (partially hydrolyzed guar gum).

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