End Time Apostasy - A Fractured Relationship With God #shorts

1 year ago

There will be a further falling away from truth before the antichrist is revealed. 2 Thessalonians 2:3
Let's investigate three categories within Apostasy

1. The assembly or the congregation of God and everything with it
2. People of God falling away
3. The people of this world falling away further

The apostles were always concerned with people listening with
Itching ears. This was Paul’s concern.

Running all around, truths or untruths not caring if it’s right.
There was a falling away from the book of acts. Where did it go?
The power of operation is gone.
People jump and shout but do not produce.

If we are picking up where they left off, this should be a guard and concern.
ow all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come.

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God is looking for and gathering the 10 Lost Tribes of Israel; also called "the lost sheep of the House of Israel", by Yeshua.

They are called the House of Israel or the House of Joseph or the House of Ephraim in the Scriptures.


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#apostacy, #apostasy, #apostasyinthechurch, #apostasymeaning, #apostasyofhate, #losttribes #torahportion #spiritualawakening #yeshua #spiritualwarfare #

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