Refraction BELOW❢Clouds◉◇Concave Sunlight End Stage|When light touches Clouds @ evening&mornings

1 year ago

Refraction BELOW!Clouds◉◇Concave Sunlight End Stage |When light touches Clouds @ evening&mornings
#IAMCREATED Sun light bend UP DIR in Concave Earth „englobed” / capsule cosmos. && LuxCore is comparable to 2.79[b] Internal.
It suffice to experiment with various node values, cloud noise,
Basic #rendering parameters:{
1 CPU / Thread
Tiled 64px
AA Samples: 2
2 light spot emitters + !!!NOTE: I forget to mention about additional white source that is necessary
Multipass ON
Some other params of project: •Displace strength 0.4, midlevel 0.5 / unchanged
•Volume Nodes: Voronoi F2 „Blender Clouds” – Soft, 3D mapping, Mix/Mix, Adding blue color WITH clamping, Homogeneous Volume, 0.3 Scattering Scale, Asymmetry 0.2
•Another, inter-joined part of this computer model / study is finding the best renderer to show this clouds. I found „Lux” is OK even if in some bit measure produces renders by using another algorithm. Internal renderer is based on another texturing system, from my experience about 2.79. I can have turbulence here in easy way, with „„old”” cloud generation plugin. But it is of „course” incompatible. Seems as previous versions were different at targeting certain usages. Recent versions of whole packet seems targeted to pokemonny (big-shit) style of computer graphics culture, not so ...due to features ... but rather due to MINIMALISM in programming Blender. Minimalism as always sign of crash. Poverty is 100% effect of sin — buffonism of America #USA consists of it. Directions in art are simple evidence of the mainstream falloff.
•Contained in 2×Playlists:
–Rendering in Blender
•Link /source:
#procedural #TYPOLOGY #concaveearth #concavity #greatunification #theory #cosmiccat #whiskers #sunlight #raytracer #science #study #presentation #findings #tiled #cloud #spotlight #emitter #multi #refraction #dispersion #prism #prismatic #optical #optics #physics #physical #2.80 #evening #morning #redshift #beautiful #nice #pink #dramatic #skies #scenery #modelling #scientific #examining #examination #propagation #transmission #displace #texture #mesh #3dblender #Multipass #highlight #underlight #visualization #rendering #solarsystem #factcheck #englobed #truemodeloftheworld #IAMCREATED #cellular #universe #bending #stage #debunked #revealed #truth #fascinating #inspiring #sunset #sunrise #interesting #alternative #faithandscience #theearth #planetearth #voronoi #simulation #analysis #rethink #rethinkyourperspective #wakeup #godexists #godisnotdead #project #shape

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