Bill Gates is Steve Jobs

1 year ago

Connecting more Dots.

This is the greatest sting operation we have ever seen

Steve Jobs, John Mcafee and Larry Ellison have so much bigger roles than we ever could have known


Steve Jobs is playing Bill Gates.

Bill Gates was taken out a long time ago for crimes against humanity with Monsanto and Vaccines.

Over the last 10 years “Bill Gates” has been leaving clues in plain site. That is for us

Apple was always known for its creation, Steve Jobs was connecting with God on all of his mushroom and acid trips

So use the Bill Gates Character at the CORE of all of this. Use his character to cover the funding to drain out the evil and then connect all of the deep state players. Like Trump did with the Pharmaceutical companies, paying 6 of them to speed up their productions

To the people who get triggered from this, it is time to expand your thinking

John Mcafee, Steve Jobs and Larry Ellison between those 3 alone have been able to out smart the world

This is the take down of all evil lurks about on this earth

Freedom is coming for us all

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