CBDC - The Death of the Dollar and Bank Failures

1 year ago

With banks collapsing left and right, inflation out of control, and both the government and FED marching to the beet of their entirely disconnected drum one has to wonder who's side they are on. The sad reality is that those in power are not on your side, they don't want to help your economic situation. They don't care if you lose your job, your home, your dignity and independence, or even your ability to feed your family. In fact they hope it will happen. Because the only people responsible for this mess of an economy are the people in power. There is a reason that they look at the right and wrong options for the economy and always choose the wrong option. They want it to fall, but they also want plausible deniability. They want an excuse to swoop in and make vast economic and social changes, to implement the CBDC and take total control of the economy and your life. Don't cheer for the fall of the dollar, you will only be playing into their hands.

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