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U.S. Army Brand Launch
About U.S. Army:
The Army Mission – our purpose – remains constant: To deploy, fight and win our nation’s wars by providing ready, prompt and sustained land dominance by Army forces across the full spectrum of conflict as part of the joint force.
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[Music] what does it mean when people say America is a land of opportunity it means we strive to be a nation of Limitless possibilities exploring those possibilities isn't just an inclination it's our greatest strength power to discover to redefine yourself to improve yourself to Challengers to challenge yourself to challenge yourself to realize there's more in you than you ever knew that you could do to be all you can be to be all you can be it means never assuming something can't be done and if it's the right thing to
do never stopping until you achieve it that's how the US Army has succeeded since the founding of this country since the founding of this country giving people an open field to explore what they do best with the best tools the best training the best technology in the world the possibilities really are endless and the world sees that it's what we fight for every day every day every day seeing those possibilities then going out and achieving them that's winning and we all know that winning matters having possibilities matters is what
makes every Soldier swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States America was built on embracing possibilities this is what we do this is what we do this is what we do we bring out the best in the people who serve because America calls for nothing less so you can be all you can be be all you can be be all you can be all you can be be all you can be or you can be all you can be all you can be [Music] ladies and Gentlemen please welcome your host for today's event The Honorable Christine warmuth Secretary of the army
Chief of Staff of the army General James mcconville and sergeant major of the army Michael grinston [Applause] please welcome the chief of army marketing Major General Alex Fink good morning and welcome to the launch of the new Army brand and our new ads and in case you are wondering what you just saw that was not it that's our hype video that we've shared within the Army and to all of our stakeholders to get people excited hope you're excited too there's more more to come more to see I promise
before we begin uh I'd like to recognize some people in the audience Secretary of the army uh Chief Secretary of the army Chief of Staff of the army and sort of major the Army thank you for hosting this event uh I think we also have a number of Civilian aides to the Secretary of the army and army ambassadors thank you for what you do and thank you for being here today distinguished guests and welcome to all of those watching via the live stream we also have soldiers that were featured uh in the films that you're about to see
and in posters around the room they will be available after the event thank you for joining us for this significant event and before I begin I would be remiss if I didn't acknowledge the members of my staff at the Army Enterprise marketing office who were intricately involved in making this come to life and also our partners at team ddb with their expertise Creative Vision and dedication to make this a reality for the United States Army so how do we get here the Army brand transformation has been a multi-year research-based process that
began with foundational research designed to understand the needs of today's youth and their perceptions about how the Army delivers against those needs research tells us that you seek out paths filled with possibilities of purpose passion community and connection however they don't see the Army as an organization that can that can deliver on that those of us who served currently and in the past both uniformed and civilian as well as our families and those close to the Army know that we in fact we absolutely deliver that in fact it's the
sense of passion purpose community and connection that has resulted in record high retention the most important part of a brand process is development of a brand positioning statement which is the foundation of all other elements we chose one word possibilities from there we build out and tested brand elements specifically visual identities and taglines and logos among core audiences including youth youth influencers engage citizens our current soldiers as well as Army retirees and veterans I'd like to take a moment to describe
those elements in the meaning behind them a tagline is the market-facing expression of a Brand's positioning be all you can be was absolutely not a foregone conclusion we included in the mix of hundreds of other tagline options because it embodied the idea of possible possibilities like many others however in the end be all you can be was the clear winner with all the audiences but I'd like to make one thing clear we're not going back to be all you can be this isn't about Nostalgia or Old Times Sake
as you will soon see both in these ads and the ones we'll launch later this year we are Reinventing be all you can be to bridge the gaps of knowledge relatability culture and trust with our youth audience the other component of the new brand includes an evolved logo which you see behind me to transform how the Army represents itself visually while reinforcing its Legacy specifically the visual transformation is a re-engineered five-point star logo that blends the legacy of the classic Army Mark with modern functionality and enhanced
digital use the army star originated as the enduring and Powerful symbol of American Freedom during the World War II when it appeared on Allied Vehicles the refreshed star will serve countless purposes and applications across digital social mobile web branded events product expansion infrastructure and recruiting materials in this new Forum we've also taken the star out of the box to reflect the unlimited the Limitless possibilities found in the army before the logo and tagline beyond the logo and tagline we have developed a full brand
ecosystem that will help tell the Army story including a new color palette typography iconology photography Motion Graphics visualization data visualization and other design principles and guidelines we expect this new brand will will posture the Army as a place of possibilities where youth can find their purpose and also redefine what it means to be all you can be for this new generation this is more than a recruiting campaign the brand refresh and the creative executions are about reintroducing America to its Army
this project has been personally very rewarding and meaningful to me I joined the army 33 years ago so I could be all I could be I will unleash my boots for the last time this summer having experienced firsthand the Limitless possibilities of the United States Army it has truly been a great honor and privilege to lead this brand transformation it goes without saying that none of this could have happened without the full support of our army senior leadership I'd now like to turn this over to the Secretary of the army who will unveil
the first film [Applause] good morning everybody thank you all so much for coming being out here bright and early we are super excited as you can imagine to launch our new BL you can be campaign so thank you everyone I know there are a lot of General officers in the audience senior ncos Casas Army ambassadors I think we've got some members of congress with us so thank you all so much for being here and I also want to welcome these terrific future soldiers who are here in the audience we are super excited to see you here this
morning this this is not how he's wearing everybody who's coming into the army so this is pretty special um you know all of us know in this room that we in the Army and frankly all of the military services are facing the most challenging recruiting landscape in decades so um it is a perfect time to be launching our new brand launching our reinvented tagline be all you can be and as a child of the 80s I am super excited that we are bringing back a reinvented version of be all you can be because I think it
really does speak to the many many possibilities that the Army offers um and I'm actually fortunate I work with a warrant officer in my office who when he was 17 years old in Memphis Tennessee uh was you know sitting watching cartoons on a Saturday morning eating Captain Crunch and an ad came on and it basically said you know we do more before nine o'clock in the morning than most people do you all day and by the end of that commercial he was hooked and that seeing that commercial changed the course of his life he joined the
army 38 years later he is a cw-5 and has been all over the world and had a tremendous career in the Army and is a perfect example I think of how you can be all you can be it's a tagline that stands the test of time it evokes Limitless possibilities for people from all walks of life and I think with a 178 military occupational Specialties the Army offers more possibilities than ever and I think with you know what we're trying to do with these two ads that you're going to see this morning our message is clear it is if you want to
push yourself if you are up for a challenge the Army has a place for you and come and join us the first ad is called overcoming obstacles and um I would say you know a lot of what we're trying to do right now as general Fink said is to reintroduce the Army to the American public to young people to parents to influencers and for people who don't know us I think this first ad is going to kind of pull back the curtain on the United States Army it's going to show our history where we've come from the obstacles that we have
overcome and it's going to show I think how the Army can change your life so without further Ado Why Don't We Roll the tape for the first commercial all right here's a personal question for you when you look into your future do you see a life full of obstacles back in 1775 to 13 colonies combined that are outmatched forces into a unified Army beginning to fight for our nation's Independence was the first obstacle the Army made history by overcoming the insurmountable for history is never over the obstacles have come one after the
other after the other and the Army made history again and again pushing back for the brink of disaster and grasping Victory from hopeless odds getting bigger smarter stronger [Music] the Army transformed the lives of the millions within its ranks and the character of this country if you see obstacles ahead of you take a closer look at this for us imagine them for almost 250 years where you can draw strength from those beside you and make your history [Music] please welcome General James mcconville Chief of Staff of the army
wow well good morning you know it's a great day to be in the United States Army but quite frankly every day is a great day to be in the United States Army because we serve with the world's greatest soldiers and that is a great I like that I guess I'm you know I'm you know but anyways it's you know the secretary of the side major and I we're real excited to have you all here uh you know today is a little Back to the Future for me you know I graduated from West Point in 1981.
and the Army just premiered a new commercial with a tagline of be all you can be 1981. and that idea has stuck with me for over 40 years and like the secretary said it is timeless and I hope it'll resonate with a new generations of soldiers just like the ones that will raise their hand the right hand uh today in a few minutes the same way it resonated with us you know millions of soldiers that have served over the many years prior you know we need every young person in this country we need every parent in
this country to know the United States Army is a pathway to success both in and out of uniform whether you serve for four years or you served for 40 years plus um the Army is full of Endless Possibilities you know American soldiers are not only masters of combat arms but we have doctors we have lawyers we have logisticians we have coders you name it we're not just a profession of arms we're a profession of professions whatever your passion is whatever your talent is there is a place for you on the Army team
you could be anything you want to be in the United States Army in fact you can be all you can be no we're looking for people who want to serve people who want to belong to something greater than themselves people who want to become masters of their craft and we need young people to know that if you have the drive we will help you get there we're not going to lower our standards we're not going to sacrifice quality for quantity but we will help you meet our standards and what we are finding that that with a
little discipline and a little structure a new recruits and not only meeting our standards they're exceeding our standards the nation is full of tremendous Talent and we are competing for that Talent every single day because we went through our people and as we all know winning matters Anything is Possible the right people at the right place and as you're about to see the United States Army is an organization of innovators and we've been at it for almost 250 years these Innovations have changed a lot
over time but the one thing that has not changed is the Ingenuity of the American soldiers so let's take a look [Music] who on Earth has division is the map a new frontier to fight infectious diseases who does the world turn to oh wait with no wires to connect we'll bold enough to think they can do that how about ushering in a network that can share everything with everyone across the globe the answer isn't a person it's a stored collection of restless Souls who have
the guts to say they if you don't want to take tomorrow as a compass they'll push it forward with the force for a million Giants and if you have the will to make the world the best it can be the Army has a place for you [Music] [Applause] please welcome sergeant major of the army Michael grinston okay Madam Secretary in Chief we lie to everybody here okay what we're going to do is right after this we're gonna do height and weight in an army combat Fitness now just so you know now we got your net
why are you shaking your head it's actually this is happening uh I do want to everybody uh army or not be all you can be uh just really you know I just want to sit up here and just show more videos um so the good is is I get to speak just for a second and um no script I'm so I'll talk for a couple hours um I do want to recognize a couple people we also have a former SMA here I can I'd be remiss not to you know say Dan Daly um anything I say uh you don't like please blame the 15th sir major of the
army because uh it's all his fault when you look at be all you can be and what this really truly means to me is you know just my life um I was home in June and one of my family well wasn't a family member it was was felt like a family's you know from small town one of the person in the room for my small town looks at me and he says we didn't think you were going to be much he was dead serious we didn't think you'd go very far um I was like wow that was a little harsh so um but he said I guess you did you made
something out of yourself um so when you think of be all you can be I just look at my life and think that's it right there I had a challenge I came from a small town and people thought I wouldn't go anywhere um I can also say that I've also met the last three presidents um and when you say you know I put my life on hold I think I learned skills I got to learn some German my wife would say not very good German a little bit of Italian but I also met a wonderful Squad that actually made me be that all I could be
and you make those friends year after year trying to be what you can and that's everybody in the military and one of those friends my squad mates from 1990 was at my house this weekend and then lastly when I think of be all you can be I think of purpose and I think of the my purpose and it's really like my arm my whole family's purpose so I was in Afghanistan and you know one day you're doing something really harsh and kinetic the next day you may be doing helping families but we have these families and these kids and they didn't
have jackets it was really cold so I told my my family this they went to the school the elementary school my daughter went to and they boxed up a whole bunch of jackets and they sent those jackets to Afghanistan and I still remember you know you know like in classic fashion you put the box down and run away as far as you can because it's like ah they come attack oh so and I remember uh there was a little Afghan girl wearing my daughter's jacket I took a photo um so when I think of not only what I could be in the military but the purpose
that the Army provided not only for me but for my family that we can make a difference in someone's life Halfway Around the World and that is completely incredible and so I'd go back to that original person and ask him and say I think I did okay so um but I'm really proud to be here with you today and before I even got started I got a chance to meet the new recruits and yes every enlistment is like this so if you always got the secretary the chief the sermon is the army um but this one kid his name's I was
like what's your name he said Michael I said what does your mom call you he said MJ he's like shaking he's like yeah this is like your dad talking about you on the podium he's like oh God sorry man so I just want to say uh we are closer to the end of our careers and you're at the beginning and 35 years ago I was sitting right there so if you reach your possibilities you could be on this stage today and please let's give them one more round of applause so MJ we're counting on you this is our major the Army we also have
some other soldiers I do want to recognize uh this year we ran our best Squad competition so the best Squad winners please stand up if you if you have not had a chance to talk to these young men um you you've missed an opportunity they are fantastic again when you look at them our army is smarter faster and stronger than any other army in the world and it's those soldiers right there if you doubt me just go stand next to them you're probably going to look up a little bit so they're fantastic but I also want to recognize
there were some soldiers actually in the video are you in here today like you don't want to stand up you don't do what you're told come on [Applause] the no pressure you're gonna have to compete against the best Squad right after this they're like no I wouldn't try it um well this campaign doesn't really end today it's just kind of continues and it's really great it's a it's a wonderful personal look and I really enjoyed the videos um you look around the world and you see
that all in the commercials and the videos that we're doing and this tagline isn't just something that's new it's personal to me because it brought on Limitless possibilities in my life and to help us move us along in the program I'm going to introduce General Fink's going to come back up and introduce a special guest [Applause] thank you sergeant major at the center of today's Army brand launch there are two films you just saw narrated by someone you may recognize yes that's Emmy and Critics Choice Award
winner nominated actor Jonathan Majors star of Ant-Man and the WASP devotion and just released last week Creed 3. we wanted Jonathan for this role due to his popularity among gen Z uh his powerful on-screen performance as well as his personal and professional commitment and family history of military service Jonathan felt like a natural voice and connected to help us bring this campaign to Market and reach our intended audience I had the opportunity to visit with Jonathan while we were filming well he's obviously an amazingly talented actor
he's also a remarkable person who cares deeply about how Army service can open up a whole new world of possibilities for America's youth and we have a surprise for you today he is here with us please welcome Jonathan majors whoa is this the Oscars I appreciate you think um secretary chief sergeant major that's what they told me sergeant major straight just straight none of the flowers just boom it's an honor to be with you all today um what's up young man you okay and young lady how are you good to see you all uh my name is
Jonathan Majors my father's in the Air Force oh my grandfathers were in the Army and the Navy um the gentleman that was in the Army was named Charles Henry senior he's from a small town called Colleen um yeah y'all know it it's a small town for everybody else yeah yeah yeah um and he and His Four Brothers went off and he served as a soldier I'm his grandson um the things he did the discipline he instilled in the foundation of our family I believe he learned and understood through his service in the army
he would get up early he would go to sleep early but he single-handly built an entire Farm an entire Ranch that sustained my family and myself for a very long time I am his grandson I'm also an actor and I believe that the imagination um and the possibilities of Life are something that has moved me forward is the imagination and The Bravery of my grandfather that instilled in me this idea that I could do whatever it is I wanted to all that said when this opportunity was presented to me um I got to think about it hard
I got to think about where I came from I grew up in a town called Dallas Texas not so small I grew up very um uh poor more or less my grandfather held us down you know when that was my mom and and all of that stuff was happening and life was not as easy for us as I think in my grandfather would have hoped but we'll survived and we were making our way I know I'm looking at these young boys and young lady um I think because it's important that um we understand options as an actor I look at a script and okay how many ways can I
take this which way is going to help my actor help my character get to what we call the super objective and the super objective is the thing that this person is pushing for the entire time I think the word objective is something you guys understand in the army um but there's multiple ways of doing that and I thought about a lot of guys I grew up with and gals I grew up with and a lot of us didn't see the options and didn't see the opportunities um I was lucky I had the grandfather I had and I saw those things
to conclude as an actor there's a idea of this social contract you have a duty as an artist to promote to instill and to demonstrate a higher way of living and existing that said there was no better collaboration I felt for me than to link up with you guys and try to promote the exact same thing we are all in our ways trying to move ourselves forward move our countries forward and move our families forward the way my grandfather has done the way all these men and women in uniform have done and we thank you for that
I'm deeply honored to stand here with you guys I hope you like the movie we worked really hard those of you who are there I'm sorry if my dog scared you they were just trying to protect their daddy um yeah this is very exciting um I think has told me you know what the what the plan is and when you want to put it out and who's going to see it and I think that's quite important but there are options and we have a way to move things forward and we are in need and if the country is in need the Arts are in
need and if the Arts are in need we're all in trouble um I'm here to help I thank you for allowing me to help and um go on me [Applause] ladies and Gentlemen please welcome future Army soldiers from the Baltimore recruiting battalion these Young Americans made the choice to serve in the United States Army where they will experience what it means to be all you can be General mcconville won't administer the oath Of Enlistment foreign go ahead and please raise your right hand and repeat after me I state your name
do Shalom we swear that I'll support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and [Music] then I'll obey the orders of the president of the United States and the orders and the orders are the officers appointed over me according to regulations and uniform code and Military Justice so help me God congratulations congratulations to the Army's newest soldiers
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