Uncovering the Secrets of Combating Shame in Business with Neena Perez

1 year ago

In this podcast, Neena Perez, shares her insights on how to overcome shame in business.

Shame is one of the most debilitating emotions a person can experience. It's responsible for a wide range of problems, from job loss to decreased productivity. In this podcast, Neena shares her strategies for combatting shame in business, including exercises to help identify and change negative thoughts, habits, and beliefs. If you want to improve your business skills, this is an episode you don't want to miss!

Shame can be a powerful obstacle to achieving the business success you desire. It can cause feelings of insecurity, low self-esteem, and inadequacy that prevent you from taking the necessary steps to create the business of your dreams. When we feel ashamed, it can be difficult to take risks or put ourselves out there in order to build our businesses. We may become too afraid of potential criticism or failure, leading us to avoid taking action altogether.

It is important to recognize when shame is preventing us from achieving our goals and take steps to address it. For example, it might help to write down our fears and analyze them objectively by asking ourselves questions like: What is the worst that could happen if I fail? What steps could I take to minimize this risk? Is this fear rational or irrational? Doing this can help us become more aware of our feelings associated with shame, so we can start working towards overcoming them.


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