Is HISTAMINE INTOLERANCE The Cause Of Your Mysterious Symptoms? #shorts

2 years ago

There's a lot of relationship between the gut, what's happening in the gut, and your histamine response, because I know I have some symptoms of histamine intolerance. Read more here:

So if I feel like I'm hydrating and pooping well, I detox well. It's like I don't notice because I'll get itchiness, stuff like that. If I feel like maybe I'm not pooping as well, I'm not hydrating as well. Doing some of the critical components of a good, healthy lifestyle, I get more itchiness in my ears. Different areas. And I did a genetic test that showed that I have weaker areas. Histamine metabolism.

For those who don't really understand intoxication or the detox pathways very well, everything we take in has to come out, right? It comes out via urine, sweat, poop, and other things.

With histamine tolerance and especially mass activation syndrome, people tend to not be very good at doing that. They don't want to tend to be good at pushing things out.

That's why if you and someone else walk into a moldy room, you may feel like you're dying, and they may not even notice a thing. They could sleep there for five days and be fine, but they're very good at pushing toxins out.

Is histamine Intolerance the Cause of Your Mysterious Symptoms? Watch the short video to find out.

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