1 year ago

A lot of the letters I receive are questions.

One of the most common ones I get is

“Tate, what can I do right now to become financially free?”

My answer is simple.

Try Harder.

You think you are trying because you leave each day exhausted.

But I assure you,

Most of you aren’t trying at all.

Most of you believe that your job and some half-assed investing will lead you to financial freedom.

You’re trying to force a square peg into a round hole.

When I yell TRY HARDER.

Your frustrated mind pushes the peg with even more effort to no avail.

You completely misunderstand the definition of TRYING.

Someone who actually was to TRY hard would use brains to accompany the brawn.

You’re doing the same things you’ve always done, trying harder than ever, but you are STILL lazy.

Is that amazing?

EVERYONE AROUND YOU has failed to force that square peg into the round hole.

You must grab a knife and change the shape. Carve new holes in space-time.

Create pegs that go through with ease.

If you’re not trying new things, you’re not trying at all.

Truly trying hard, involves creativity.

It's the only way to achieve the seemingly impossible.

It's why it's a pillar of what we teach.

Learn how to try:

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