#98 Adam Gell: Akashic Record Readings, Shamanic Healings & Life Mastery Guide

1 year ago

Website https://www.adamgelluniversalhealing.com
Youtube https://youtube.com/@AdamGell
Documentary film: https://youtu.be/3-e3OwUGaCo

Adam Gell, Shamanic Guide toward healing and fulfillment.
"I like to think of myself as the embodiment of The Masculine Balance, a union of both the masculine and feminine, the yin and the yang, the lightness and the darkness that exists in each and every one of us.
Like you, my life didn't always feel great. I didn't always find harmony in my personal relationships and I struggled with leaning in to my inner guidance system that tugged on me for more.
As a Division 1 Collegiate Athlete I spent many of my early years deeply tangled within the identity of what it meant to be an Alpha Male.
It wasn't until I recognized my own wounded inner child and the emotional trauma I experienced as a kid that I was inspired to change the course of my life. Divorce was a catalyst that allowed me to reconnect to my ancestors, and have the desire to show up as more for the world.

TruthStream info etc
A Perfect Life feature film

Here is our STRIPE link:

Telegram https://t.me/joerosaticollective
Website https://joerosaticollective.com

Health Products we share and have chatted about on the show

Purium info: for incredible nutrition etc go to www.ishoppurium.com and type in truthstream for discount code.
interview with Ian https://rumble.com/v2bywnu-ian-farrar-health-and-wellness-expert-remove-glyphosate-elevate-your-health.html

Neumi https://neumi.com/truthstream

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