Kerry Cassidy - A.I. Among Us

2 years ago

Kerry Cassidy – A.I. Among Us

About the video
Lewis Herms is the producer/originator of the TRUTH TOUR Lewis has a YouTube & Rumble channel, Founder of Screw Big Gov, and the Truth Tour.
Kerry tells the White Hats what for about telling the truth.
She touches on the Secret Space Program. AI can be influenced by the etheric, by what you write on the internet and by how you think. The WH can’t do it without you.
Trust the Plan; because you are the Plan.
This AI has taken over one galaxy and is coming for ours next.
We are of such incredible powers, that’s why the Reptiles have wanted to keep you sick and at each others throats. It’s a way of controlling you.

I watched Kerry modify her position on God and the Bible over the last year. It is becoming easier, for most of us, to see the difference Good and Evil over the last year also.


A quote from Private Q Evidence
“You need to give yourself more credit.

‼️Yes YOU.‼️

Some of you, today, are doubting what you've done to fight this fight.
Some of you, today, are wishing you'd stepped up sooner. Pushed back harder. Fought more battles.

I'm telling you, you need to give yourself more credit.

You're here.

You didn't get the vaccine.

You stopped wearing the masks.

You told your friends and family what you REALLY think.

You tried to help them see things too.

You might've lost friends.

Some of you lost spouses.

Some of you haven't spoken to your children in far too long.

Some of you haven't spoken to your siblings or parents in far too long.

Not because you chose to, but because they left you.

They thought you'd lost your mind. That you supported a "racist". That you peddled conspiracy theories. That you were endangering their lives.

You've been kicked off platforms.

Some of you have lost your jobs or been pushed so hard you had to find new ones.

Some of you have been fined, harassed and even assaulted.

Yet you're STILL here.

You're still here.

You're fighting for the truth. Your searching for the truth. You don't care how ugly it is. No subject is off limits for you. All you want to do is know what's true and to be left TF alone to live in your God given freedoms.

You pray. Not just for yourself, but for your enemies too.

Your heart cries out in pain because you FEEL. You still feel and you see the world suffering.

Give yourself credit.

You may not have gone to a protest. You may not have called a congressman. You may not have gone to a school board meeting. You may not have sent money to someone in need.

But you ARE still here. And you need to know that you matter, and you are still making a difference. Give yourself credit for that.

Just don't go back to sleep. Don't tune everything out. Don't get the jab. Don't wear the masks. Stand your ground in the ways you've ALREADY done. You've PROVEN you can do it. Keep doing it.

You know you're on the side of truth and guess what? That's God's side. God made it clear that we must always seek what is true. Do you doubt the truth?

You know you don't.

So don't doubt yourself either. You've got this. We've got this. But most of all, GOD'S got this!

Don't give up now. Keep your head up warrior. You've done more than you give yourself credit for.

#SHARE with your friends!”
~ Private Q Evidence Telegram
An Automaton In Hell

We are very quickly moving into a Techno Materialist age, which will try to enslave huemanity into their Beast System.
Not just materialism but making Man subservient to technology and forever cut Man off from God.

The old time Christians outwardly braced themselves against “the World Beast Systems” by practicing outward modesty and inwardly they put a premium on godly purity of intention.

The COVID VAXX with Graphene Oxide, as the delivery system, is to make you able to fit into the Beast System as a SLAVE.

You will no longer be a free sentient hueman being, but you will be cyborg connected to an Artificial Intelligence. You will have put yourself OUT of contact from God. That is Hell.

We are at an Apex of huemanity. We can slide into slavery, as we have done so many times before, or we can raise our consciousness by looking to Christ, to live a circumspect life; by giving to others what we have been freely given. This is just a foretaste of the New Heaven and the New Earth.

The future is not for everyone. For many it is going to be a golden age on Earth.
Huemanity is much more than we currently have been led to believe.

We were made to live 250 to 350 years. The Earth is meant to be our home. We are tuned to Earth’s resonance and it to us.

Our Earth is meant to give us all we need for our bodies and spirit to be free of Dis-Ease.

Earth is a place for us to grow and learn, which is meant to take us back to Our Source, our Creator God through Christ Consciousness.

We were meant to be free to talk to God, and amazingly we were meant to hear from God.

Why do they want to enslave us? Because we are extremely powerful beings and we’re made in the image of God.

Through Graphene Oxide you will be connected to the Beast System to be a Automaton under direct control of the Beast System.

You may be a Automaton in Hell or you can be a Sentient Hueman Being in constant contact with the Prime Creator.
To me, the choice is clear.

George Carlin
The Illusion Of Safety

I realize this next song is closely related to the civil rights movement.
All Americans are poorer and doubly a slave because of how we were all bought off with every safety net.

We were bought off with a safety net at the price of our rights. 1964

We were bought off with safety at the price of our rights. 2002

The change has got to come. The change of a New Heaven and a New Earth. There have too many things that have happened.

Far to many earth changing events have occurred, specifically in the last seven years, for us ever to go back to being the same way again.

What the final earth changing event is going to be, I couldn’t say.
What we’re heading for I don’t know, but I do know it’s leading to a crescendo.

Sam Cooke
The Change Gotta Come

Be Well
Be Bright

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