Nina Kosta on USA’s criminal role in Americas & Ukraine: World Anti-Imperialist Platform

1 year ago

Nina Kosta, vice-chair of the CPGB-ML, speaks at the meeting of the World Anti-Imperialist Platform, held at Bolivar Hall on Saturday 4th March 2023.

She outlines the analysis of the platform, that the predominant imperialist power in our world today remains Anglo-American Imperialism, with the EU and NATO countries, Australia and New Zeland as their
chief partners. It is the billionaires and interlocking directorships of their transnational corporations who direct those powers, and dicate their agenda.

It is NATO that wages wars of destabilisation and occupation, that conducts the financial and economic sanctions campaigns, in order to continue squeezing rapacious profits from its wage slaves all over the globe, in the process creating global mass poverty, millions of curtailed lives and untimely deaths, as well as unsustainable environmental destruction.

And to maintain this profit-mad system, it is US and the NATO imperialists who are seeking to strangle independent nations and global competitors - particularly its military and economic “peers”, China and Russia, whose very existence is anathema to imperialism.

The blame for the war in Ukraine must likewise be laid firmly at the feet of the US and the NATO imperialists, as any objective study and historical analysis (even that of a confirmed US imperialist, but political “realist”, John Meirshimer) clearly shows.

The perversion of communist theory, in particular the analysis of modern imperialism, to serve the interests of the NATO powers, creating legions of “NATO socialists” that hysterically scream about Russian and Chinese “imperialism” is therefore particularly pernicious at this time of heigtened capitalist economic crisis and aggressive NATO imperialist war.

This is therefore a make and break issue for the global socialist movement and the work of the platform will be key to mobilise the sleeping layers of the working class who will never be raised to fight any revolutionary battle while they trail in the wake of their own exploiters and oppressors, shackled by such ill-informed nonsense, and by corrupted social democratic and trotskyite, social-chauvinist Russophobic and Sinophobic “leaders”.

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