$30,000 for 1 beer? - #016

2 years ago

Welcome back to the #1 Shit talking podcast on the planet! We're back after an unexpected 3-week break, this week we unpack Connor's Bali stories, Jackson gets swindled in Thailand and was Connor m*lested in Bali? Enjoy!


0:00 - Intro/Recap
4:25 - Drink of the week
13:07 - Bali Trip
20:07 - Connor has a kid?
22:23 - Swindled in Thailand
27:35 - Uncomfortable couples massage
37:01 - End of a segment
40:43 - Movies
53:39 - Fictional Fight
55:50 - Nazi Monkeys?
58:15 - Gym creep hack
1:00:00 - Down Syndrome movie
1:06:00 - Shouting drinks
1:12:14 - Back page!
1:32:19 - Major Announcement

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