Carl Fechner and Annette Keat Exposed. Matthew chapter 7. REPENT.

1 year ago

Apostasy is everywhere. Heretics are everywhere. Many come in Jesus name and deceive many as Jesus warned in Matthew chapter 24. If you don't have spiritual discernment you could be taken in and become collateral damage.

U tube.

New Apostolic Reformation. NAR.
Seven Mountains Mandate.
Prosperity gospel.
Word of faith.
Kingdom now theology.
Contemplative prayer.
The emerging church movement.
Kundalini awakening appearing as signs and wonder Holy spirit revivals.

Just some of many Falsehoods that are out for your money, time, energy, souls. The Devil Satan Lucifer is very busy in the broad banner of denominations called Christendom. Men who are not content and happy with the sure instruction of the King James Bible Genesis to Revelation go looking for more. They end up with a false gospel, a false Christ, a perverted distorted rendering of Christianity. Matthew chapter 7 is just one passage of scripture that applies to them. REPENT renounce your Falsehood's, Lies. Get a evidence bible and learn what it is to be SAVED and preach Biblical Evangelism. Otherwise you will reap what you are sowing on Judgment day.

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