Divine Wisdom ~ Holy Waters ~ New Earth Transmission - Dharma Talk Preview

1 year ago

Divine Wisdom ~ Holy Waters ~ New Earth Transmission - Dharma Talk Preview

Take a peek 👀 at the Preview to my latest Dharma Talk on New Earth Ascension ~ ~ The Awakening and Flowering of Hue~man Consciousness into Homo Luminous. Here are the links to the preview on Patreon and YT memberships:

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/new-earth-dharma-79938781


YT members: https://youtu.be/1Q3V70Pq-mw

We will release this free publicly on youtube at 3:30 PM PST this Friday March 17th 2023
Much Love and Blessings in the Light… The Eagle and the Condor 🙏🕊🦅



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