YAHWEH | Shocking Truth Behind The Original Bible Story! Episode 3 - Paul Wallis & Mauro Biglino

1 year ago

Visit our website 🔵 https://5thkind.tv/ for exclusive content (multiple apps available) Episode 3 – Yahweh . In this episode Paul Wallis and Mauro Biglino present their research into the original translations and meanings of name Yahweh. The original Hebrew name for God. 🔵Episode 1 "Elohim" here: https://youtu.be/tLwDBEMjAxs 🔵Episode 2 "Elyon" here: https://youtu.be/I8eQj8y09e0

What they discovered is a quite different sorry to the current reading of the canonical text.. One with huge implications for our understanding of human origins. And our place in the cosmos...

🔵The 5th Kind YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/the5thkind
🔵Mauro Biglino YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/MauroBiglinoOfficialChannel
🔵Mauro's Website & Books: https://maurobiglino.com/
🔵Paul Wallis YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/paulwallis
🔵Paul's Website & Books: https://www.paulanthonywallis.com

Seeking out the root meanings of keywords in these ancient texts they find another, quite different story emerges ' one with enormous implications for our understanding of the human race and our place in the universe..

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