Great Tribulation

1 year ago

One World Monetary system, One World Religion, One World Government. Did not take the Covid Vaccine? The devil is coming for you/us in a one world monetary system, where you will not have control over your own money to buy and sell as you feel (Cash will be like monopoly money). You will own nothing and be happy and will not realize that is the position you are in. For the love of money is the root of all evil. TIME IS UP FOR THE DEVIL AND HUMANS ON EARTH. EVERYONE will be caused to corrupt the temple of God (their bodies) to live on earth: like the days of Noah. He who seeks to save his life: to buy and sell; will lose both life and soul. Those who lose their lives for Christ sake will take it up again to rule and reign with Christ.

Are you ready to experience the cost of following the true gospel? Ready to lose your life? Revelation 6:9-11 KJV Bible Ready to rule and reign with Christ? We overcome as Christ overcame. Stand ready to let go of everything.

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