2 years ago

Go to https://SeanMorganReport.Locals.com

I started out streaming on youtube a few years ago, many of you were original followers back when I had 60 thousand followers there. I was deplatformed and it was because of the help of people on this list that I survived.

I started doing the daily show on AMP which has produced some amazing interviews in the past 2 years...however something has been lost.

People remember when they could interact with me and ask me questions in the livestreams. They remember Jim, Paul Furber, and others who were authentic and down to earth to interact with.

I am announcing today as the launching day of the new Sean Morgan Report! I'm bringing back livestreaming and interaction!

Because of you, Jim now has the means to get mobile internet on his boat. Paul Furber has agreed to do a regular livetream with me called Anonymous Research. Duane Cates will be joining me for the Soul War Show. LTC Steve Murray will be doing a livestream with me about military strategy against the deep state. This is going to be epic.

You will be able to interact with me live on a regular basis. I have chosen Locals to do this, which is connected to Rumble, a free speech platform.

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