Resilience IS Stress Management

1 year ago

Welcome to this video, in which we discuss resilience. We all experience challenges and obstacles in life that put our capacity for coping and adaptation to the test. And when we discuss resilience, overcoming adversity is a prevalent misconception of what it entails. However, is that all there is to it?

We're going to delve deeper into the idea of resilience in this video with Emi Golding, our Director of Psychology, and look at why merely recovering is insufficient. You see, resilience is more than just the ability to get back up after being knocked down by reality. It's about something that's much deeper and more complicated than that.

We must develop emotional mastery if we want to be genuinely resilient. That entails learning how to control our feelings, thoughts, and actions when faced with difficulty. To answer to challenges with clarity and purpose rather than impulsively, we must learn to control our emotions.

Being resilient involves more than just getting back up; it also involves developing and learning from our experiences. Building the abilities and mindset required to effectively navigate life's challenges is the goal. And for this reason, mental control is a key element of resilience.

This video is for you if you've experienced hardship and struggled to deal with it, or if you just want to learn how to increase your resilience and emotional intelligence. So take a seat back, unwind, and let's discuss this.

#resilience #emotionalintelligence #emotionalintelligencecoach #empowerment

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