Dr. Astrid Stuackelberger - Internal Biometrics & Nanotechnology in the COVID vaccines

1 year ago

Mar 13, 2023
Source: www.brighteon.com/5664bc7c-c62d-4d2b-8c04-98173cf56622

After the live airing of ReFounding America this week a viewer wrote us that “Your show with Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger was some of the most disturbing information I’ve ever heard….” He was referring to the suspicions that internal biometrics and nanotechnology may be making up some of the COVID vaccine ingredients. Dr. Stuckelberger also discussed her experience of presenting at the recent Freedom Conference in Stockholm and how she was “given the hook” before she was done, and her mic was cut.

“Riveting stuff!” our viewer concluded. Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger has been a scientist, writer and international expert in public health and policy with a career history that has included work for UN and WHO agencies as well as professorships. She is the author of 12 books and more than 170 scientific articles, policy papers, governmental, European Commission and UN reports.

“The ideal of a reaching a human rights-based peaceful and just Humanity during all these years has definitely been scattered by the shocking Tyranny of WHO and the UN agenda 2030….” Dr. Astrid Stuackelberger

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