Lonely Fans Here She Comes - MGTOW

2 years ago

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Kam and here's what he has to say: "Hello Sandman, What do you think about official college reunions organized by a university’s alumni organization? I received an invitation to my first ever reunion slated for a date in the Summer and have been debating whether or not to attend. The reasons to attend would be to see old acquaintances and to present the improved version of myself since my days as a poor student. Thus attending the reunion could be an opportunity to show off my increased smv and to observe human nature. It might be interesting to see which people maintained or improved themselves and those that declined, if at all. There is also the point that it might be a good networking exercise in the sense of obtaining contacts of people with whom I may be able to partner with on business ventures in the future, especially as I deleted my social media accounts years ago. Conversely, the reasons not to attend might be that the networking opportunity could be overrated. Even if I exchanged phone numbers or emails with some people, nothing may come of it in terms of the partnering on meaningful project or ventures. Furthermore, there may be some dangers in showing off an increased SMV. It could attract jealousy from some, especially females, who could find ways to create problems by trying to get together with me. Or they might try undermining one’s self-confidence by critiquing one’s chosen career path and accomplishments, or lack thereof. It might indeed be fun, there are no doubt some risks associated with such an event and one of the things I have learned from female behaviour is the value of being proactive or going on the offensive to attack a point first before it can be used against you. While I already booked an Airbnb whose total post-tax cost is for half the pre-tax cost of one night at the suggested reunion hotel, perhaps it would be better to spend that the money traveling elsewhere and interesting for reasons other than exams and studying. Or perhaps even spend it on a professional to avoid the inevitable sirens’ song to simp and peacock simply to get some “p” for my c. After all, returning to campus could trigger feelings of Post Traumatic Thot Disorder. Overall I doubt I would miss much if I abstain from the reunion. Please share your thoughts on this lengthy, girth-y cock-benefit analysis. Thank you. Well Kam thanks for the donation and topic. I found it funny you thinking that just because you got better looking that women from your past would now treat you better.
They will still see you the way that they did back in the day and pretty much treat you the same way. There's that cheesy line that states you never get a second chance to make a first impression. It's wisdom from an ancient Head and Shoulders shampoo commercial. Even if that impression was ten to fifteen years ago. Once a creep in their eyes, always a creep. If you're still in that phase of your red pilling journey where it's fun to observe human behavior then that would be good to experience. But for me I don't hear words anymore. When women speak all I hear is the desired outcome or emotion they want in others. When someone tries to shame me all I hear is the word shame, if someone is gaslighting me that's all I hear. All of those complex Words and sentence structure have become nothing more than a representation of people's motives. If a client calls me to chit chat then she's trying to use me as an emotional tampon. I look at 99% of interactions with people as being all about what I can do for them. Kam you want to show your increased SMV so that you receive validation from women that are also at the reunion for the same thing. Maybe they want to show off their husband, career, kids, whatever. So they can make the other women with less feel insecure. Of course no woman that does lonely fans would reveal that fact at a college reunion. But you know that some of the women that graduated with you probably did that. But seriously you're fishing for compliments if you go and so are they. I'll get to more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Moneyline Investments:

10 images licensed and paid for through BigStock.com. All image licenses are available upon request.

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