Easily one of the best Elephant sightings I’ve ever had we came across this herd o

1 year ago

Easily one of the best Elephant sightings I’ve ever had we came across this herd on Sunday morning while isambanecamp ! We spent roughly an hour sitting in the rain watching as the elephants played in the mud together, some rolling around, some just taking a quick nap and some throwing mud over themselves. About half way through the sighting out of nowhere one of the elephants decided to T-bone another right infront of our game viewer. Straight away 3 very large females came to its aid assuming we were the cause of the commotion.

Luckily our very experienced guide Edi dealt with the situation as calmly as possible and therefor the elephants eventually backed off and continued with there mud baths for another half an hour. I can’t put into words how helpless you feel when 3, 3,500kg elephants come charging at your vehicle. I’ve been blessed with some of the best sightings during my time here in South Africa

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