10 of Diamonds - What Are You Choosing To See?

1 year ago

10 of Diamonds - What Are You Choosing To See?

What are you choosing to see in your world?

Look around you and notice what you notice.

Are you paying attention to all the things you think aren’t good enough?

Where is your immediate focus?

Do you look around you with a sense of awe and wonder, marvelling at the wealth that surrounds you?

Today you are invited to choose to see the abundance in every moment of your day, opening up to receive even more.

Today you are invited to know what meets the eye is only your current perception and you can choose to change that if you wish.

Today you are invited to be the embodiment of higher wisdom and knowledge, guided by your inner light.

The world is your oyster.

You need only see it to know that you are wealthy beyond measure.

Choose to open your perception more and let the wonders of the world pour into your experience.

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