Silicon Valley Bank Failure Astrology: Lucifer & Saturn @ Zero Pisces (Deep Dive)

1 year ago

0:00 Birth Chart Silicon Valley Bank
2:40 The Chart Says the Bank Technically Failed in 2021
9:23 Neptune Represents Money Flow - Major Chart Signal was Upcoming
11:10 Location Chart Shows a Death Signal (Given other Factors)
12:38 Mars Line Completely Bottoms Out (No Energy, Cannot Win the War)
17:35 How the Bank’s Chart Relates with its Mission, Financing Innovation
19:58 Mars, Venus & Sexually Ambiguous Themes; Challenges of the Virgo Square
22:22 How the Energies of the Bank Got Unbalanced
25:05 Chiron/Woundings - The Energies of the Bank Had to Be Tended Carefully
26:26 Yod to Metis/Venus from Lucifer & POF: Wisdom about Values is Challenged
28:33 Transit Moon Opposed Neptune/Metis: Emotions over Money Flows & the Wisdom of its Money Management
29:44 Transit Sedna: Financial Ruin at the Bank’s Mastery & Woundings (Chiron) Energy
32:02 Asteroid Lucifer Moves to 0• Pisces & His Aims
35:45 Pluto with Hygeia: Life & Death & Health & Wellness of Capricornian Systems (including Financial Systems)
37:03 Asteroid Lucifer Conjunct Saturn at 0• Pisces
40:26 Pisces/Neptune Represents the Flow of Money - How Saturn Effects It
43:00 How this Astrology Relates to Recent Poisonings of Water Sources in the USA for Example
44:00 The Poisoning of the Flow of Energy of Money by the Forces that Wish to Betray

CONCLUSION - The Chart and God in the Chart Say this Bank Failure is in the Highest Good, Somehow -

45:06 How God Will Turn these Energies to OUR GOOD: Yod (Finger of God) to Pluto: The Bank Had to Go for the Good of Us All
48:48 JUSTICE IS COMING: Varuna (Ocean/Water, Justice) and Lilith (Bad Bitch) Oppose Lucifer
51:11 Wisdom Rules the Action of Bank Failure - Somehow this Works Out in Our Favor
51:30 Pallas Athena, Working with Eris, is the Monster Killer; She Finds Something about the Bank Monsterous and thus, She Kills It.
55:00 Athena Uses Her Shield (star Algol) to Defeat those Harming the Children (transit Sedna at natal Algol & Chiron)

for the Short Version - Silicon Valley Bank Failure Astrology Analysis
^^ this video is additive to the Deep Dive (its not a clip)

Stay Strong💪
Keep Going❤️

Links for more information -

Silicon Valley Bank History

FDIC press release:

FDIC tweet:
8:54am Friday March 10 2023

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