Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

1 year ago

Twin medical doctors rate the latest health trends. In the modern information sharing era, we constantly encounter new diets, exercises, supplements, weight loss plans and medical treatments. It is hard to figure out what is real and what is fake as almost all of them claim they follow science. Our goal is to analyze the latest trends using our extensive medical and science backgrounds to tease out fact from fiction.
Jess Jones, M.D., M.B.A. spent a year doing neurosurgery research during his graduate studies at Columbia. He then went on to analyzing emerging medical technologies in the private equity world
Jackson Jones, M.D. is a Harvard trained orthopedic surgeon and has been in clinical practice for 10 years. He spent a year doing research in one of the top stem cell laboratories during his medical training.

The content of this video is our opinion based off our analysis of the literature and must never be considered a substitute for advice provided by a qualified medical professional with whom you have established a relationship. It represents what we would do for ourselves. No doctor-patient relationship is formed through the video.

#Doctorsratingtrends #dietarysupplement #healthyliving #dietplan #exerciseroutine #medicaltreatment

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