Interest Earning Investments in South Africa & Namibia

1 year ago

Investing is a skill that is beneficial to have in your toolbox. Therefore starting young will be a good move on your behave. You will be able to learn from your mistakes without risking as much as you would when you are older. As you have less responsibilities. In this episode we discussed safe and low to zero risk investment and saving applications. Particularly through your banking providers. These are investments that are relevant to residents of South Africa, and Namibia. We mentioned the Likes of FNB (First National Bank), Discovery Bank, Old Mutual Investments, Franc App, AltCoinTrader, and Simonis Storms.
Putting your money into these applications will earn you interest between 3 - 7% which keeps you ahead of inflation and grows your money as well.

The links below will provide more in depth information and take you to the various sites for access:

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