Interoception: Intricate Connections Between Fascial Receptors, Emotion, and Self Awareness

1 year ago

I continue to relate my experience of living with Connective Tissue Disease and share.
The Book Fascia, 2nd Ed. The Tensional Network of The Human Body. The Science and clinical applications in manual and movement therapy. Two chapters of interest: Chapter 2.2 - Connectivity and Continuity & 2.3 - Interoception: A New Correlate for Intricate Connections Between Fascial Receptors, Emotion, and Self Awareness. Interoceptive Pathways.
Connective Tissue Patients often receive:
No Physical Medicine, No Neurology, No Physical Therapy, No Gastroenterology, not even an HIV Specialist if applicable; Only a PCP being directed by a Psychiatrist Team paid for by the Federal Gov (Grant and resources) Administrated by the State?? And they wonder why I will not accept this? What I have experienced is quite concerning to say the least, because after 2020 we can all see these tactics used much more broadly then most people imagined. One community in particular has suffered more than others by treatment protocols.

“Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? Qui tacet consentire videtur.”
(Who will watch the watchers? He who is silent appears to consent.)

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