wonderful indonesia

2 years ago

Pesona Indonesia is an Indonesian tourism campaign launched by the Indonesian Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy to promote tourist attractions in Indonesia . The name "Pesona Indonesia" is used for the domestic market, while for international markets, which are generally in English, the name Wonderful Indonesia is used .

The Enchantment of Indonesia campaign and its logo originated from the Year Visit Indonesia 2008 ( Visit Indonesia 2008 ), which was launched by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Indonesia – the previous name of the ministry – on 26 December 2007. [1] The campaign was created in order to celebrate 100 years of national awakening Indonesia , [2] which began with the founding of Budi Utomo in 1908. This campaign was then continued with a similar name in 2009 and 2010, until 2011 when the government decided to change the name of the campaign to Wonderful Indonesia . [3] The name "Pesona Indonesia" only began to be used in 2015. [4]The same year the theme song for the campaign was released; the songs, each in Indonesian and English, were sung by Rossa . [5]

The Pesona Indonesia logo – taken from the 2008 Indonesian Visit Year logo – is based on the Garuda Pancasila as the Indonesian state symbol . The five colors on the logo symbolize various elements, such as the five precepts of Pancasila , the five tourism stakeholders (government, community, business, media, and academia) and the five kinds of charm (natural charm, sensory charm, cultural charm, contemporary charm, and charm adventure). [6]

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