Lazy or Efficient? Polesaw in a Tree Episode 2: Rigging Out Of Reach

5 years ago

Polesaw in a Tree Episode 2: Rigging Out Of Reach

Hey Climber Nation, I posted about using a battery polesaw in a tree on Instagram back in the summer, and someone who I have a lot of respect for simply said "that's just lazy". To which I replied, "well maybe, but then again, aren't chainsaws 'lazy', since we COULD do tree work with axes and crosscut saws...? So, what do you guys think? One man's 'lazy' is another man's 'efficient'... ;)

Covered in this video:
1. Setting a rigging line remotely: getting the groundie to tie it on
2. Cutting in the tree with a battery polesaw

"We are all apprentices in a craft where no one ever becomes a master." - Ernest Hemingway

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Climb High, Work Smart, Read More.
- Patrick

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