NEVER INVEST unless you fall into this small group!

1 year ago

I once heard a story...

A man.

A janitor.

Pinched pennies, sacrificed, and eventually became rich by the time he died. They checked his account and discovered he died a millionaire.


What a great achievement to DIE a millionaire and NEVER actually spend the millions.


What kind of goal is that? I imagine if you're investing or saving money your goal is to one day USE the money right?

A lot of modern financial advice is GARBAGE. I've read more business and finance books than I can count and the majority of them give the same terrible advice. Stop investing early. Focus on MAKING MORE MONEY. Then invest.

My belief, you shouldn't invest UNLESS you're making over $60k or $70k dollars.

This is the income level that allows you to sacrifice income safely. If you're barely scraping by, you shouldn't be putting money away HOPING that it'll pay off in 30-50 years.

You should focus on staying LIQUID and using your money to enhance your skills/job/career TODAY. This way you can EARN more money quicker.

P.S. I have a finance course that goes over concepts like this and how to TRULY apply financial concepts in the real world. It's 100% FREE. Just grab it using the link below. 👇


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