Pilgrims (Society) progressing through history is BAD for humanity- Michael & Douglas

1 year ago

Source: American Intelligence Media

August 2nd 2022- Douglas Gabriel and Michael McKibben are reviewing this August 16th 2013 talk:
History... Connected: Cecil Rhodes and the Anglo American Establishment redux- August 16th 2013

Douglas says you have been brainwashed if you believe Carroll Quigley's books as you need to go the next step. Quigley's first book tells you exactly who he is. He had sympathy for this Establishment group. Quigley missed a linkage to the whole corporate dynasty (The Pilgrims Society). The Jesuits with Rockefeller founded the Council of Foreign relations (1921).

3 Rothschilds along with Cecil Rhodes (The 4 richest people in Britain at the time) who created the plan. SERCO owns America and the US Patent office (AI expert and CSI researcher David Hawkins has been saying this for a long time as well).

The British control America.
Michael McKibben's patent on "SOCIAL NETWORKING" was STOLEN from him from the SAME people who stole Nichola Teslas & Marconi's inventions. The same British bankers who were behind Bolshevism and all "isms". Many of these books WHITEWASH the British influence. America is the military ARM of the British. Those same families are still in control today (It is a very SMALL group of people).

The term "Bavarian illuminati" is a little too generalized as we need to say "Mayer Amschel Rothschilds illuminati" as he was the one who funded$ it in Bavaria. Mayor was the one who was developing the whole BANKING MODEL back then (Late 1700's) where this illuminati was fitting into his marketing campaign along with 17th Frankism as he was also funding to push this anti-10 commandments religion where this Frankism would be the Jewish messiah. Mayer Amschel Rothschild (a Jew) paid Adam Weishaupt to write that Jewish freemasonic order (Bavarian illuminati order). A CORPORATE EMPIRE that has to take over for the Monarchy.

These people were infiltrating the US Congress since the early 1900's to cover their assets. Journalist/investigator Lillian Scott Troy (1882-1964) discovered the 24 PLAN back in 1912 that the rich Astor family surely knew about as they (Rich dynasty families) all knew about it but if you talked about it you might be put on the Titanic and sunk (John Jacob Astor died on Titanic April 1912). Bloodline families carrying on this EVIL for centuries. The PILGRIM SOCIETY are masters of propaganda. Used their East India Trading company to take over the UK government.

Many of these people are sexual perverts who believed they were ABOVE everyone else and they were ELITISTS beyond imagination and highly psychotic who set up phoney philanthropic groups which did the opposite of what they said. Oxford College or ALL SOULS COLLEGE where you are SELECTED or INVITED into this group (The Big Club). Sure Blackrock, Vanguard, etc.. own the world but WHO owns them and WHO is at the heart of every central bank? King Charles is now the head of the Pilgrims Society. Coronavirus traced to the British Crown. THE PIRBRIGHT INST
CORONAVIRUS US Patent# 10130701- Granted patented on 2018/11/20

Michael McKibben says they just discovered the certified copies of the original SLAVE LEDGERS of Hamilton Brown (1776 – 18 September 1843) who was US VP Kamala Harris's great great great Grandfather of the SLAVES he own in Jamaica. He was one of the chief Rothschild representatives in Jamaica setting up the offshore banking system there.

Michael says that Journalist/investigator Lillian Scott Troy has been scrubbed from the internet searches and they only found her in the Congressional Record and since then the information on her has exploded. Michael also mentions how the so called FACT CHECKERS said that Joseph Stalin never said the quote "I don't care who votes, I care who COUNTS the votes" so Michael and his team went looking for the sourced document and found it in a book written in Russian by Stalin's secretary proving with solid evidence that he DID say it.

The PILGRIM SOCIETY is really driving the Bus right now in this "NEW LIBERAL WORLD ORDER". In 2002 Henry Kissinger became a Vice President of the Pilgrims society in New York. Ex-Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker was also a Vice President of the Pilgrims Society. SES (Senior Executive Service), SERCO, Crown Agents, US Patent Office. The British run the American Patent office! Where is the outrage in that?

Michael McKibben started LEADER TECHNOLOGY in 1997. In 2006, he was awarded U.S. Patent No. 7,139,761 for what is now called “social networking.” The patent office STOLE his patent of SOCIAL NETWORKING and after FACEBOOK and all the other social media sites used it without paying Michael McKibbens company a dime.

The 24-step Pilgrims Society Corporatist Imperial Federation Strategy to Return America to British Rule First exposed and published by American journalist Lillian Scott Troy in The San Francisco in February 1912!!

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